The Rethinking Education podcast has received half a million downloads to date and is ranked in the top 3% of podcasts globally.
Each episode features in-depth conversation about how we can reform the education system and bring about a more harmonious, less hair-raising state of world affairs.
Here are the three most popular episodes to date:
Receive 3 chapters of Making Change Stick FREE

TEDx talk
How to change the world
Making Change Stick

A Practical Guide to Implementing School Improvement

A professional learning resource to help teachers and leaders promote self-regulated learning
Fear Is The Mind Killer

Why learning to learn deserves lesson time - and how to make it work for your pupils
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Most Popular Podcasts
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Alternatively, you can make a one-off donation by buying James a coffee [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/repod].
Any support is greatly appreciated, and helps ensure the long-term future of the podcast.
[Then I’d like there to be one tile per episode, a bit like a blog page. I’ll get someone else to populate this coz it will take ages :)]