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Learner Effectiveness Programme

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Dr James Mannion

The Learner Effectiveness Programme (LEP) is a whole-school approach to developing more confident, proactive, self-regulated learners. It’s a bespoke approach that can be tailored to any setting, which combines taught lessons with embedded elements across the curriculum.

My PhD, carried out at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Professor Neil Mercer, was an 8-year study of the Learning Skills Curriculum (a fore-runner of the LEP). This controlled study found that the LEP:

  • Improved attainment across the curriculum

  • Closed the disadvantage gap (from 25% to 2% from one cohort to the next) 

  • Boosted pupils’ oracy skills   

I have now implemented versions of the LEP  in many schools all over the world, and these findings have been replicated in other settings.

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Dr James Mannion

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How to change the world

Making Change Stick

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Dr James Mannion

A professional learning resource to help teachers and leaders promote self-regulated learning

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Dr Naomi Fisher on self-directed learning and how schools can do more harm than good

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What's In The Box?

There are three elements to the LEP training package:

1. Creating self-regulated learners

Four 90-min workshops for all teaching and support staff, to establish a joined-up approach to teaching and learning across the school:

  • Introduction to self-regulated learning

  • Metacognition: monitor and control your thought processes

  • Self-regulation: monitor and control your feelings and behaviours

  • Oracy: learning to talk, learning through talk, learning about talk 


The workshops are available in three formats: 

A. Facilitated programme (face-to-face, remote or blended)

B. Online course (this is the most cost-effective)

C. Blended (part-facilitated, part-online)

2. Co-planning the curriculum 

This usually involves six 3-hour workshops, working with a core teaching team to design, plan and resource a Learner Effectiveness Programme bespoke to your context. This might involve taught lessons, embedded elements across the curriculum - or a combination of both.

3. Making Change Stick

Assemble a ‘slice team' and work through the Making Change Stick [link to] programme to ensure that the LEP brings about improved outcomes for your learners for many years to come.

Who's It For?

Creating self-regulated learners is suitable for all teaching and support staff 

Co-planning the curriculum is suited to a specialist team of LEP teachers

The Making Change Stick programme can be completed by existing or aspiring school leaders, but it is really intended to be completed by a 'vertical slice team' of stakeholders from throughout the school community


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