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Making Change Stick

Dr James Mannion

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Implementing change is complex, and the vast majority of school improvement initiatives fail to meet their stated goals. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

In recent years, new fields of study have emerged - notably, implementation science and improvement science - which provide valuable insights in how to bring about lasting, positive change in real-world contexts.

Over the last 10 years or so, I have worked intensively with schools all over the world to implement powerful ideas and strategies from implementation and improvement science in educational settings.  

This effort has resulted in the Making Change Stick book and online training suite, where you can also find free resources and a taster course. 

See below for video testimonials and book reviews.

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Dr James Mannion

TEDx talk

How to change the world

Making Change Stick

Dr James Mannion

A Practical Guide to Implementing School Improvement


Dr James Mannion

A professional learning resource to help teachers and leaders promote self-regulated learning

Fear Is The Mind Killer

Dr James Mannion

Why learning to learn deserves lesson time - and how to make it work for your pupils

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Dr James Mannion

Dr Naomi Fisher on self-directed learning and how schools can do more harm than good

Dr James Mannion

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang on the neurobiological case for progressive education

Dr James Mannion

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Read Book Reviews

James Mannion combines deep insight and understanding of the complexity of change management in schools with practical, down-to-earth strategies and processes that school leaders can use. This is a fabulous and unique book. Every school leader should have a copy. I loved it.

Steve Munby - Visiting Professor at University College London Centre for Educational Leadership and former CEO of the National College for School Leadership

James Mannion’s Making Change Stick is a fascinating and thought-provoking exploration of the science of implementation and improvement, applied to the world of education. Mannion examines the reasons why so much of the precious financial and human resource invested in change management in schools fails to have the desired impact. He provides a step-by-step approach to change implementation, designed to improve pupil outcomes, that is research-informed but simply explained. The book is packed full of sage advice, practical activities, helpful questions, grids and diagrams and clear and relevant worked examples. Each of the short chapters has a useful summary. Mannion’s credibility comes from thorough research and years of working with leaders and practitioners on making change stick in a wide range of schools and settings

Rachel Macfarlane - Lead adviser for underserved learners, Herts for Learning and author, The A-Z of Diversity & Inclusion

This is a book for every leader who is looking again at how to make change happen and stay happened... and then see it make an impact. Making Change Stick offers a 'what to do and what not to do’ outlook and urges change makers to get the right group of people involved. It is a handbook with a readable research background, clear principles and step by step advice.

Mick Waters - Former Director of Curriculum for England and author, About our Schools

In this wonderful book, James helps school leaders answer that eternal question of how to effectively implement change in a meaningful, productive and lasting way. In an engaging manner, he takes you through the process and enables the reader to have a practical understanding of implementation science and change management. The schools I lead now have 'slice teams' working through every new project!

Dr Kulvarn Atwal - Principal Learning Leader, Highlands and Uphall Primary Schools and author, The Thinking Teacher and The Thinking School

Your no-nonsense companion for securing school change - steeped in evidence and packed with practical insight.

Peps Mccrea - Director of Education, Steplab and author, Evidence Snack


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